#justiceforJayapriya (Raise your voice ) भारत के तमिलनाडु के पुदुकोट्टई जिले में 7 अज्ञात लोगों द्वारा जयप्रिया की 7 साल की केडी के साथ बेरहमी से बलात्कार और हत्या कर दी गई। इस अमानवीय कृत्य को लोगों तक पहुंचाएं, तभी एटलिट पुलिस एक कदम उठा सकती है और मीडिया इसे कवर कर सकती है विचलित करने वाली छवियों को साझा करने के लिए क्षमा करें। लेकिन TRUTH को कहने की आवश्यकता है। एक और RAPED और KILLED। तमिलनाडु में 7 साल की बच्ची के साथ बेरहमी से बलात्कार और हत्या ---------------------------------------------- Jayapriya, a 7 yr old KID was brutally raped and murdered by 3 unidentified men in Pudukottai district of Tamilnadu, INDIA. Make this inhumane act reach people, only then Atleast police could make a move & media could cover it Sorry for Sharing disturbing images. But TRUTH is needed to be said. One more RAPED and KILLED. 7 year old girl brutally raped and murdered in ...
Delhi once again ashamed, 12-year-old tried to kill after rape New Delhi: A sensational case of cruelty has come to light with an innocent 12-year-old in the capital Delhi. The Havans crossed all limits of humanity with that innocence. He was raped first and then tried to kill him. The 12-year-old is now swinging between life and death in the hospital. This heart-wrenching incident is in Paschim Vihar area of the capital Delhi. On Tuesday evening, the police admitted an innocent 12-year-old girl to Outer Delhi Sanjay Gandhi Hospital in a blood-soaked condition. When the girl was taken to the hospital, the doctors there also stood up. In fact, on Tuesday evening, the police admitted a 12-year-old innocent girl to Outer Delhi Sanjay Gandhi Hospital in a blood-soaked condition. When the girl was taken to the hospital, the doctors there also stood up. The girl was badly injured. There were wounds all over his body. It seemed as i...
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