AC can spread corona, experts say - stop or try this trick

AC can spread corona, experts say - stop or try this trick
12 july ,2020 (1:05)

A few days ago, after the advice of experts from around the world, the World Health Organization had accepted that the corona virus may also be present in the air.  Now some experts have said that people should shut down their ACs to avoid corona virus, if there is a possibility of infected person being present at the same place.  If you do not do this, the infection can spread despite following the social distance.

 According to the report published in the British Telegraph, there are two types of air conditioners.  One that draws the air outside and the other that recirculates the air of the room.  Experts say that if there is a risk of infection, people should turn off other types of AC or open windows.

The Chartered Institution of Building Service Engineers of London says that ACs that do not use the outside air can spread the virus in the room.  Due to this, there may be a risk of spreading the infection in restaurants etc.

 Dr. Sean FitzGerald, associated with the Royal Academy of Engineering of Britain, said that opening the window can be a great option while keeping AC on to reduce the risk.  Or else, give up the desire to stay with the cold air and turn off the AC.

In April, researchers said that at least 9 people who had gone to eat food in a restaurant in Guanzhou, China, became infected with corona.  The restaurant's AC was responsible for this.

 According to the report published in  jarnal Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal, one of Wuhan's family came to Guanzhou to eat at the restaurant.  One member of the family was infected without symptoms.  Later it was found that people eating food on the table next to them in the restaurant have also become infected.  While the distance between the tables was 3 feet.

However, researchers also say that the corona virus is present in the air for a short time and can travel only a short distance.  Earlier more than 200 experts wrote a letter to the WHO demanding that the organization change its guidelines due to Corona's presence in the air.


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